自分が若い頃は英語の歌を覚えることで、英語のフレーズに接して「これはどういう意味だろう」と自分で調べたりしたことがよくありました。で、今日はこのページの最後にThe Beatlesの小学生でも聞き取れるような歌を載せてみました。出来ればこれからも週一回、歌詞付きの適当な歌があれば掲載していきます。
Now you know why he comes here every week.
How long have you known him?
Well, I’ve known him for a few months.
Oh, no. She’s been missing that long? I don’t think he will find her then.
But that boy trusts her because of their promise.
RoboCorpus, life isn’t that simple.
Anyway, he never gives up. So I stay with him when he comes. He reminds me of my younger days.
I want to talk to him. Please introduce me.
Oh, come on!
He has a secret, Lex! Don’t you want to know more about it?
A secret! OK, let’s find out more.
You two are strange….
Hi, Turtle…. who are you?
Hello. My name is RoboCorpus. I’m a translation robot.
Oh, hello. I’m Asahi. Why are you here?
I saw you with the turtle yesterday, and I want to help.
Help? How?
Here is a quote about promises:
“If you promise to say, I promise to never leave.”
I see… that means she is still here, maybe.
Oh, here is another one:
“A promise is a cloud, fulfillment is rain.”
Fulfillment is rain… maybe I should come here when it rains. Thank you, Robo! That is a good piece of advice. I’ll be back. Bye.
RoboCorpus, you only gave him your corpus examples!

Good morning.
The weather does not look good today.
It’s going to rain.
Is Asahi coming?
As far as I can remember, he’s never shown up on rainy days. But you gave him that quote, remember?
Oh, “A promise is a cloud,” …
“Fulfillment is rain” … do you think something will happen?
That I don’t know …
By the way, what does that sentence mean?
RoboCorpus! You gave it to him without even knowing the meaning?
I just produced the data for the search word, “promise.”
Oh, give me a break…
Quiet. Look. It’s him!
And it’s started raining….
Hi, I’m here.
Good morning, Asahi.
Oh, Robo! Are you OK in this rain?
I’m not sure, but I wanted to see you.
Thanks. I’ve never been here on a rainy day before.
So you believe that my quote might help.
Well, I tried to come no matter the weather. That’s why.
Look, Asahi! In the center of the pond!
What’s happening!?
Hello Goodbye – The Beatles tribute – Lyrics