ラジオ英会話 Lesson 130 今週のReview


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 130 今週のReview

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 126 見つける:find、discover

Kaito: Mom, I need to talk to you about Dad.

Mom: Sure, Kaito. What’s up?

Kaito: He keeps on interrupting me while I’m studying.

Mom: Why does he do that?

Kaito: He walks into my room without knocking to tell me these old, corny jokes.

Mom: Oh, yes, Hiroto’s jokes are really bad. He should stop doing that. I’ll find some time to talk to your father.

Kaito: Thank you, Mom. I’d really appreciate that.


Listening Challenge!

Q1; What will Kaito’s mother do?
A: She will tell Kaito some jokes.
B: She will look for Kaito’s watch.
C: She will tell her husband to stop bothering Kaito.

Lesson 127 わかる・気づく:realize、recognize、notice

Yuta: Kate, how did you start working at this company?

Kate: It’s a long story, but basically it’s all thanks to my friend, Alice.

Yuta: What happened?

Kate: She runs a coffee shop, and the president of this company enjoys going there. He told her he was looking for a web designer. Then Alice called me and told me about the job.

Yuta: Oh, she really helped you out.

Kate: Yes, if she hadn’t called me, I wouldn’t be here. I realized how important friendship is.


Listening Challenge!

Q2: What did Alice do for Kate?
A: She helped Kate get her present job.
B: She introduced Kate to the owner of the cafe.
C: She helped Kate to get out of her company.

Lesson 128 理解する:understand、grasp、comprehend、follow

Jessica: I enjoyed your lecture on “Cosmologies of Ancient Peoples.”

Peacock: It’s surprising how much they got to know about the universe without telescopes.

Jessica: Yes. Even today, it’s hard to understand how big the universe is.

Peacock: You can say that again.

Jessica: I wonder if we will ever travel to another planet in our solar system.

Peacock: That’s many people’s dream.

Jessica: It might come true someday.


Listening Challenge!

Q3: Which of the following is true?
A: It was hard for the woman to understand the lecture.
B: It is not easy to grasp the size of the universe.
C: It was difficult for the man to repeat what the woman said.

Lesson 129 思考を表す動詞①:think

Gary: Jackie, you know Margaret Wilson, don’t you?

Jackie: Of course. I hear she is doing a great job at our Jakarta office.

Gary: Well, she has decided to leave the company, so we need someone to replace her. Someone like you.

Jackie: Me? I see. That would mean moving to Indonesia, right?

Gary: Right.

Jackie: Mmm… Can I have some time to think about it?

Gary: Sure. But I’ll need your answer by the end of the month.


Listening Challenge!

Q4: What will Jackie have to decide?
A: Whether to leave the company or not.
B: Whether to move to Indonesia or not.
C: Whether to answer her boss or not.




私なら「ジェニーが薬指に指輪をしているのに気がつかなかった?彼女結婚しているんです。気持ちはわかるけど、大丈夫。私があなたにいいガールフレンドを見つけてあげるわ。手始めに私の家に、今週金曜日来ない? 私たち大きなパーティーをやるのよ」くらいでしょうか。


ring finger : 薬指
married : 結婚している


I can understand (~がわかるよ)はよく使われる言い回し。


must have は「~したにちがいない」。過去の内容を現在「~にちがいない」と強く推測する形です。out of bounds は「立ち入り禁止・不適当な」
plenty of は「たくさんの」。
「手始めに」は for starters とも表現できます。

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