ラジオ英会話 Lesson 080 今週の Review


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 080 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 076 keep のイメージ


Casper: Alexis, come on, let’s go! What’s keeping you?

Alexis: Give me a few more minutes, Casper. I’m putting on my make-up.

Casper: I’ve been waiting for 20 minutes. How long does it take?

Alexis: What’s the big hurry? We’re just going to the mall. We’ve been there a thousand times.

Casper: We’re wasting time. And the neighbors keep looking at me strangely.

Alexis: Nobody cares. Keep waiting. The mall isn’t going to disappear.

Casper: My whole life is nothing but waiting …


Lesson 077 recommend と suggest


Barbara: So, you’re looking for a two-bedroom apartment?

Takuma: It’s for me and my fiancée.

Barbara: Oh, congratulations!

Takuma: Thank you. Well, what kind of apartment do you recommend?

Barbara: Of course, it depends on your budget, but here’s a nice one near Shibuya Station.

Takuma: But the rent …

Barbara: It is a reasonable price for this popular area.

Takuma: I don’t want to decide now. Can I see pictures of some other places later?

Barbara: Sure. I suggest visiting our website.


Lesson 078 show、explain、illustrate、demonstrate


Peacock: Aki, I can’t believe you came to see me after all these years!

Aki: It’s been a long time. But I knew I’d see you again.

Peacock: You said that in 1987, I think.

Aki: Good memory. I’ll show you some old pictures on my tablet.

Peacock: Wow! We were so young then.

Aki: Yes, we were. But we’re still young at heart.

Peacock: Aki, I’d like to show you more of our city tomorrow.

Aki: Really, Brendan? That would be a treat.


Lesson 079 respect


Thomas: Yuko, can I tell you about something that happened yesterday?

Yuko: Of course, Thomas. I’m listening.

Thomas: Well, I saw something on the train that really surprised me.

Yuko: What happened?

Thomas: An elderly man with a cane got on the train, and young people were sitting in the priority seats.

Yuko: And nobody gave up their seat?

Thomas: That’s right. I was so angry.

Yuko: I respect people who give up their seats for others.

Thomas: Me, too. We need to respect our elders.


Say It In English!







wedding anniversary  結婚記念日
have ~ in mind  ~が頭にある
firmly believe  固く信じる
try hard  一生懸命やってみる

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