ラジオ英会話 Lesson 235 今週の Review


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 235 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 231 会話の原則⑰:NAGARE 発言権を取り戻す

ケリーのトークショー。 今回は宇宙飛行士のアキラの登場です。

Kelly: Today we have a very special guest. I’d like to welcome to the show astronaut Kuze Akira.

Akira: Thank you, Kelly. It’s great to be here.

Kelly: I’m sure you mean here on Earth.

Akira: Exactly. You know where I’ve just come from.

Kelly: I do! Akira, you survived on Mars longer than any human being in history.

Akira: Yes, it was a very difficult experience, but I-

Kelly: And as a Japanese astronaut—

Akira: If I could just finish…

Kelly: Oh, sorry, go ahead.

Akira: It was difficult but…I did it my way.


Lesson 232 会話の原則⑱:NAGARE 会話を拒否する


Yoshi: Hi, Barbara. That’s your name, right?

Barbara: Yes, thanks for remembering.

Yoshi: My name is Yoshi.

Barbara: Yes, I think you told me before.

Yoshi: Thank you for teaching me how to use this machine.

Barbara: Sure, no problem. You can put it on a higher setting, you know.

Yoshi: Well, I like this easy setting. By the way… how old are you?

Barbara: Um, that’s none of your business.

Yoshi: Right, sorry. I don’t know why I said that.

Barbara: No worries. OK, I’m done. See ya!


Lesson 233 会話の原則⑲:HAIRYO 相手の心情に配慮する


Mr. Emori: So, here we are in Matsuyama. It’s good to be here again.

Cindy: It’s so quiet and peaceful. I can see why this place is famous for haiku.
Mr. Emori: Me too. The great haiku poet Masaoka Shiki is from here.

Cindy: Masaoka Shiki’s haiku are quite interesting.

Mr. Emori: Yes. He is known far and wide for his writings.

Cindy: I don’t mean to be rude, but he is not so well known outside of Japan.

Mr. Emori: Well, he was good friends with Natsume Soseki.

Cindy: Oh, yes, the famous novelist. Soseki is pretty well known.


Lesson 234 会話の原則⑳:HAIRYO ショックを和らげる


Jeannie: Frankie, I’m back. Where is Dr. Stein?

Frankie: Jeannie, please sit down.

Jeannie: Why, what’s wrong?

Frankie: It is hard to tell you this, but Dr. Stein is in the hospital.

Jeannie: What? What happened?

Frankie: He fell down and broke his hip.

Jeannie: We have to go to the hospital. He’s our father.

Frankie: I agree. We should bring him some flowers.

Jeannie: Flowers, right. Let’s go to a flower shop. No gardens this time, OK?

Frankie: I learned my lesson. Can I go with you?

Jeannie: Yes, let’s go.


Say It In English!







no offense, but ~  気を悪くしないでほしいのですが、~
not ~ so well  それほどよく~ない
suit ~  ~に似合う
It’s hard to tell you this; but ~  これを君に伝えるのはつらいのですが、~
It’s not that ~  ~ということではない
grad(uate) school  大学院

にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ

