今週学習したラジオ英会話の「GRAMMAR IN ACTION 文法の実践」で出された英文を作る問題を再学習します。日本語をクリックすると英文例が出ます。
9月17日月曜 Lesson 111 as ~ as … ② 指定表現を加える
This material is almost as soft as silk.
His latest book isn’t half as good as his others.
I love this car, but it’s twice as expensive as the first one we saw.
9月18日火曜 Lesson 112 as ~ as…③自由にくくる・比較のバランスをとる
Karen is just as charismatic a leader as Jack.
Your mom is not as good at cooking as my mom.
I think Gary’s proposal has as many advantages as Kaori’s.
9月19日水曜 Lesson 113 比較級①基礎
I think badminton is a more dynamic sport than tennis.
We all need to be more tolerant.
You need to practice more efficiently.
9月20日木曜 Lesson 114 比較級② 指定表現を加える
You need to try a little harder.
Winters are much milder here than in my country.
I can swim five times farther than my older brother.
For Deeper Understanding ~より深い理解へ~
I couldn’t believe how tall he’s become.
月曜日 Lesson 111のテキスト文です。believe の内容を wh 節で展開。感嘆文の並びになっていることに注意。「how + 形容詞/副詞 + 主語 + 動詞」の順番。How tall he’s become! (なんて彼は背が高くなったんだろう!)と同じです。