ラジオ英会話 Lesson 035 今週の Review


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 035 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 031 譲歩のフロー② 変わらないよ


Tia: Ben, do you have a minute?

Ben: Sure, Tia. What’s up?

Tia: Can you come into work tomorrow? Something just came up today.

Ben: Tomorrow? But it’s a holiday.

Tia: I understand it’s a holiday. All the same, we need you to come to work.

Ben: Normally, I’d say no problem. But we’re having an important family reunion tomorrow that I can’t possibly miss.

Tia: Well, I guess it can’t be helped, then. OK, don’t worry about it.

Ben: Thanks, Tia.


Listening Challenge!

Q1: Why can’t the man go to work tomorrow?
A: Because it’s a holiday.
B: Because he must attend an important family event.
C: Because something suddenly came up.

Lesson 032 譲歩のフロー③ 逆向きの力


Judy: You took the day off yesterday.

Sam: Yes, I promised to take my girlfriend to a theme park.

Judy: I thought you hated places like that.

Sam: I do, but she loves them. Luckily, it wasn’t so crowded yesterday.

Judy: Oh, right. It was raining all day.

Sam: I was thinking about canceling, but we went there in spite of the bad weather.

Judy: Did you have a good time?

Sam: I did, but I enjoyed the hot bath at home afterwards more.


Listening Challenge!

Q2: Why did the man think about canceling?
A: Because he doesn’t love the woman.
B: Because the theme park was crowded.
C: Because the weather wasn’t good.

Lesson 033 譲歩のフロー④ wh 語を使った譲歩


Yayoi: Jonas, what happened to your finger? Did you cut yourself?

Jonas: Yes, I’m afraid I did. I had a little accident in the kitchen.

Yayoi: Were you peeling potatoes again?

Jonas: No, not this time. I was trying to open a new jar of strawberry jam, but however hard I tried, I couldn’t open it.

Yayoi: So, how did you cut yourself?

Jonas: I ended up using a can opener and my hand slipped. I did finally open the jar, though.


Listening Challenge!

Q3: Which of the following is true?
A: The man tried to open the jar again and again.
B: The man couldn’t open the jar.
C: The man dropped the jar and broke it.

Lesson 034 譲歩のフロー⑤ whether、if を使った譲歩


Mom: Todd, what are you doing playing with your phone? You promised to do your homework.

Todd: Mom, you’re supposed to knock on the door first.

Mom: Don’t be smart with me, young man.

Todd: I don’t want to do my homework.

Mom: Whether you like it or not, you have to do it.

Todd: But history is so boring.

Mom: I have an idea. Try watching history videos made with dancing and rap music. You’ll learn a lot and have fun at the same time.


Listening Challenge!

Q4: What does the boy’s mother suggest he do?
A: Play games on his phone.
B: Knock on the door before entering.
C: Study history using fun videos.

SAY IT IN ENGLISH! ~英語で声に出して表現してみましょう~



Why do you love your father so much?




That’s a total waste of money.




hard work  きつい、厳しい仕事
tight schedule  過密なスケジュール
be there for ~  ~のためにそこにいる=支える・助ける・味方になる
nothing is impossible  不可能なことは何もない
whatever happens  何が起ころうとも

にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ


  1. rockin' より:



    何が起ころうともった ➡︎ 何が起ころうと

  2. rockin' より:



    いっしょうやれば ➡︎ 一生懸命やれば


  3. challenge man より:

    rockin さんありがとうございます。

