今週学習したラジオ英会話の「GRAMMAR IN ACTION ~文法を実践で使ってみよう~」で出された英文を作る問題を再学習します。日本語をクリックすると英文例が出ます。
Monday Lesson 091 関係代名詞節修飾⑥:that 優先
This is the only shop that sells basmati rice.
The last album that I bought was very disappointing.
The worst thing that you could do would be to brush the problem under the carpet.
Tuesday Lesson 092 関係代名詞節修飾⑦:関係代名詞 whose
I have a teacher whose jokes are just terrible!
I’m looking for a book whose title is on the tip of my tongue … No, I can’t remember.
London is an amazing city whose attractions are countless.
Wednesday Lesson 093 関係代名詞節修飾⑧:前置詞+関係代名詞
Here’s the code with which you can open the safe.
This is information on which you can definitely rely.
Vera is the person without whom our startup would never have been successful.
Thursday Lesson 094 関係副詞節修飾①:関係副詞 where
Liverpool is the city where I was born.
This is the room where I do most of my writing.
I found myself in a situation where I had no choice but to quit my job.