Let’s listen to today’s story.
Naoki: Hello, everyone. My name is Sato Naoki, and I am in charge of the marathon. This year, due to roadwork, the path for the second half of the race has changed.
Participant A: Could you tell us how to get from Sakurayama Park to the goal?
Naoki: After you run through sakurayama Park, you’ll see a police box on your left. Turn there and run toward the town office. Keep going until you reach the field at the junior high school.
Participant B: What about water?
Naoki: There is an aid station with water every two to three kilometers on the course. Please run safely, and avoid injury and accidents.
The path for the second half of the race has changed
基礎英語3 Lesson 098 のテキストを英訳してみましょう。文章をクリックすると英文例が表示されます。
Hello, everyone. My name is Sato Naoki, and I am in charge of the marathon. This year, due to roadwork, the path for the second half of the race has changed.
Could you tell us how to get from Sakurayama Park to the goal?
After you run through sakurayama Park, you’ll see a police box on your left. Turn there and run toward the town office. Keep going until you reach the field at the junior high school.
What about water?
There is an aid station with water every two to three kilometers on the course. Please run safely, and avoid injury and accidents.
Words & Phrases
due to … ~が原因で、~により
roadwork 道路工事
path 競争路、順路
toward … ~のほうへ、~に向かって
aid station エイドステーション、救護所
every … ~ごとに、~おきに
injury けが
accident 事故
Today’s CAN-DO
Could you tell us how to get from Sakurayama Park to the goal?
知らない人に道をたずねるときは、Could you tell me how to get to …? (~への行き方を教えていただけませんか?)とていねいな表現を使うようにしましょう。
After you run through Sakurayama Park, you’ll see a police box on your left.
道順を示すときのカギとなるのは、場所や方向を示す前置詞です。get from here to the nearest station(ここから最寄り駅に行く)や run through the park(公園を走って通り抜ける)のように動詞といっしょに覚えると、実際の会話で役に立ちます。
CAN-DO 活用例文
Walk along the street for a while, and you’ll see it on your right.
After you go through the mall, turn left and walk toward the shrine.
Get It Right
Go along the path, and you’ll see a bird’s nest on your right.