今週学習した基礎英語3の「Today’s CAN-DO」の英文や関連問題を再学習します。日本語をクリックすると英文例が出ます。
1月21日 Monday Lesson 137 Let’s try to reach the peak before the sun rises
By the way, how long have you been climbing mountains? – Since I was in elementary school.
I also started photography then.
I ate Thai food when I was staying in Bangkok.
1月22日 Wednesday Lesson 138 This will no longer exist in a few years
I hear the town hotel, which closed down a while ago, will be reopened.
Tom, who is Peter’s brother, won the speech contest.
Mr. Evans, who is our principal, talked to me this morning.

1月23日 Tuesday Lesson 139 It must be Mr. Aoki
Could you keep taking pictures that make people want to stay here?
Could you play music that makes me feel relaxed?
Could you cook something that makes our bodies warm?
1月24日 Thursday Lesson 140 What are you doing on the roof?
I’m worried you’ll fall if you move too much.
Ken is worried you were hurt by his words.
Everyone is concerned it will be really happen.

How beautiful Sakurayama looks from here! This is such a great view, but I’ve never taken a single picture from here.