今週学習したラジオ英会話の「GRAMMAR IN ACTION 文法の実践」で出された英文を作る問題を再学習します。日本語をクリックすると英文例が出ます。
1月21日 Monday Lesson 191 関係代名詞 which 人以外を先行詞とする
The hotel which you recommended was excellent.
The baby pandas which we saw were so cute.
The coutry I’d most like to visit is Croatia.
1月22日 Tuesday Lesson 192 前置詞を前に出してフォーマル
「前置詞 + 関係代名詞」を練習しましょう。フォーマルな感触を大切に。
Is this the document to which you were referring?
These are the people with whom I shared this information.
The situation in which we found ourselves was extremely dangerous.

1月23日 Wednesday 193 that を使えば怖くない
that を使えば怖くない。全部 that でつないでいきましょう。
The most exciting activity that I’ve tried is white-water rafting.
All the mistakes that I’ve made have taught me important lessons.
The first boyfriend that I had turned out to be a real jerk!
1月24日 Thursday Lesson 194 関係副詞 where
関係副詞 where の練習。先行詞が後続の節で副詞の働きをしていることを意識してください。
Liverpool is the city where Chris lived a ages ago.
This is the lake where I learned to water-ski.
Think of a situation where you are in deep trouble.

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For Deeper Understanding ~より深い理解へ~
That’s a very good question, Misaki. It depends on what you mean by “civilization.” But having control of fire was certainly a turning point in human evolution.
having control of fire は「火を使いこなすこと」。動詞-ing 形が主語位置に置かれ、主語として機能しています。私にこういうフレーズを使いこなせる日が来るんでしょうか(^^;