ラジオ英会話 Lesson 240 今週の Review

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ラジオ英会話 Lesson 240 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 236 説得する③:重大な看過を指摘する


Morgan: Well, the final soccer match is tomorrow. I hope we win.

Dasha: It won’t be easy. You must admit that the All Blacks are a strong team.

Morgan: Yes. Their defense is incredible.

Dasha: But, let’s not forget that we have a home-field advantage.

Morgan: That’s true, but we can’t be overconfident. I’ll give a pep talk to the team just before the match.

Dasha: You’re a great captain, Morgan.

Morgan: Thank you, Dasha.


Lesson 237 説得する④:新しいものの見方


Misaki: I read the latest sales report. We didn’t sell enough of our winter down jackets.

Manabu: I guess we have to send them to the warehouse.

Misaki: No, we can’t put them there. New items are coming in for spring.

Manabu: Well, we could have a sale and sell them at reduced prices.

Misaki: We always do that. We have to start thinking outside the box.

Manabu: Well, maybe we can make them into something else.

Misaki: Such as?


Lesson 238 相手への配慮


Martin: Ma’am, we have a problem with the main engine on the spaceship. It doesn’t look good.

Sarah: As leader of Mission Control, my duty is to get those astronauts safely back to Earth.

Martin: No disrespect intended, ma’am, but I don’t think you understand the seriousness of the damage.

Sarah: With all due respect, Martin, it is your job to maintain the engine in good order, so go and show us how good you are.

Martin: Yes, ma’am.


Lesson 239 さようなら


Gary: Well, you were right. This roast chicken is pretty good.

Helen: Yes, I think it’s the best thing they serve in this cafeteria.

Gary: Oh, by the way, Helen. Do you like Mozart?

Helen: Uh, yes. Who doesn’t? Why?

Gary: I have two tickets to a Mozart concert on Saturday night. Would you like to go?

Helen: Saturday? I think I’m free. Oh, no! I’m late for my class. Can I text you later?

Gary: Sure. See you around!


SAY IT IN ENGLISH! ~英語で声に出して表現してみましょう~



All they need is suitable water conditions and nutrition, right?



例えば「あなたが私のためにやってくれたことすべてのことに感謝します。素晴らしい時間を過ごしました。ああ、もう搭乗の時間だ。 また会いしましょう」など。

I hope you have a safe trip back to Tokyo.




suitable  適切
nutrition  栄養
tender loving care(TLC)  思いやりの心
everything you’ve done for me  あなたが私のためにやってくれたすべてのこと
it’s time to board  搭乗時間

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  1. 匿名 より:


  2. challenge man より:

