ラジオ英会話 Lesson 210 今週の Review


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 210 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 206 主要接続詞⑨: if - 基本


Shiho: Doug, do you remember my aunt Aki?

Doug: Yes, she came to our wedding. She’s a very sweet lady.

Shiho: I know. She’s always been very popular. I heard some good news about her.

Doug: What’s that? Tell me.

Shiho: I heard she’s dating the archaeologist, Professor Peacock!

Doug : Wow! I’m rather surprised, but I’m very happy for her.

Shiho: Me too. I like his books, so if she marries him, I’ll have a lot of chances to talk with him. I can’t wait!


Lesson 207 主要接続詞⑩:if – 二択


Dr. Stein: Jeannie, how are you and Frankie getting along?

Jeannie: We’re not getting along.

Dr. Stein: What happened?

Jeannie: Well, I’m not sure if he truly needs me. He spends almost all his time with his new friends.

Dr. Stein: He’s just going through a phase. Believe me, he needs you.

Jeannie: I’m tired of being lonely. What can I do?

Dr. Stein: Ask him if he wants to go on a trip with you.

Jeannie: A trip? To where?

Dr. Stein: How about another country? I heard Japan is interesting.


Lesson 208 主要接続詞⑪:if を用いたさまざまな表現


Zaytox: Megan, we have arrived at your home planet.

Megan: Already? It only took 15 minutes!

Zaytox: Yes. I told you we could travel from Mars to Earth in that time.

Megan: I can’t believe it. It’s just as if I had taken a train from Tokyo to Shinjuku!

Zaytox: Shinjuku? What is that?

Megan: It’s a city in Japan. There is a famous vegan ramen shop there.

Zaytox: Did you say Vegan?

Megan: I said “vegan.”

Zaytox: Sounds interesting. We are from Vega. So we should try it.


Lesson 209 主要接続詞⑫:as – 同時性


Caspar: Alexis, what happened to your hand?

Alexis: It’s nothing serious. I cut my finger as I was chopping carrots.

Caspar: Ouch, that sounds painful! I hope you washed it.

Alexis: Of course I did. By the way, I also found this today.

Caspar: What’s that?

Alexis: Your wedding ring.

Caspar: Where was it?

Alexis: Under your desk. I found it as I was cleaning your room. Didn’t you look for it?

Caspar: I was in a hurry and didn’t have time to look.


Say It In English!







tell me  私に言う
what I should do  私が何をすべきなのか
expect + 人 + to ~  人 が~するのを期待する・求める
treat  扱う
it seems (that)~  ~のように見える・思える
got bitten ~ 不意に、突然に
Do you know if ~  ~かどうか

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