今週学習した基礎英語3の「Today’s CAN-DO」の英文や関連問題を再学習します。日本語をクリックすると英文例が出ます。
10月1月曜 Lesson 081 学校や季節の行事について話すことができる
It is rice planted by our own hands.
The only language used at the speech contest Is English.
This is a picture painted by a famous Japanese artist.
10月2日火曜 Lesson 082 許可を求めたり、与えたりできる
Do you mind if I go to wadaiko practice this weekend?
Do you mind if I borrow your racket?
Do you mind if I have a close look at the painting?
10月3日水曜 Lesson 083 欲しいもの・したいことなどについて言える
This new style is exactly what we want to learn!
This scenery is just what I’ve wanted to see.
That’s exactly what I wanted to see.
10月4日木曜 Lesson 084 スポーツ、料理などの手順について尋ねたり、答えたりできる
First, hit the taiko right in front of you. You then move to the left, and hit this taiko. After that, reverse the order.
Pretty simple, right?
Kanon can stand next to me, and Miki can stand next to Sho.
First, get in line. Then, wait your turn.
一週間前の Lesson 言えるかな?
I feel like I want to try it at the restaurant.