今週学習したラジオ英会話の「GRAMMAR IN ACTION 文法の実践」で出された英文を作る問題を再学習します。日本語をクリックすると英文例が出ます。
11月26日 Monday Lesson 156 文の中の小さな文:節③ if / whether 節
I asked the server if there were any vegetarian dishs.
The question is whether we can afford to buy a house right now.
Whether you agree or not, I’m going to marry Daniel.
11月27日 Tuesday Lesson 157 文の中の小さな文:節④ wh 節
Why she quit such a good job is beyond me.
The doctor asked me when I started having chest pains.
I can’t forget what you guys did for my family.

11月28日 Wednesday Lesson 158 文の中の小さな文:節⑤ 疑問のキモチが宿る場所
Could you tell me what this kanji means?
Do you know if there’s a convenience store near here?
Do you think that it will rain later?
11月29日 Thursday Lesson 159 「配置の言葉」英語
Have you heard the rumor that Bill and Helen are getting married?
We just got the news that my brother is getting married.
The question whether honesty is always the best policy is open to debate.

For Deeper Understanding ~より深い理解へ~
I really admire the way you guys face such a tough challenge.
the way は「方法・様子・ありさま」。admire は「~を素晴らしいと思う」。face は「向かい合う・立ち向かう」。