ラジオ英会話 Lesson 030 今週のReview


Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 026 to にするか for にするか : 授与を表す形において

Nana: David, thanks for taking me to this cute little Mexican restaurant.

David: It’s my pleasure, Nana. It’s actually my first time here. How’s your burrito?

Nana: It’s delicious. The chicken inside is so tender and tasty.

David: Mine is OK, but it needs something…


Nana: Wow, you speak Spanish? And look. The server brought some hot sauce for you.

David: Yes, this is the kind that Mexicans use. It’s very hot.

Nana: Wow, you’re putting on a lot.

David: Yeah, I like my food super spicy!


Listening Challenge!

Q1; What did David do in the restaurant?
A: He canceled his order.
B: He asked for some spicy sauce.
C: He cooked a Mexican dish.

Lesson 027 to のイメージ : to 不定詞と前置詞の to

Dad: Leila, thanks for that great breakfast. You’re good cook.

Leola: Mom is a much better cook. Why isn’t she here?

Dad: She wanted to go shopping early with her friend. They’re having a big sale at the mall today.

Leola: Mom never tells me anything.

Dad: Well, I have to go to work now. Do you have any plans for today?

Leola: Not really. Maybe I’ll go to the mall too.

Dad: OK. Have a nice day. And remember to lock the door.

Leola: I will, Dad.


Listening Challenge!

Q2: What did Leila’s dad ask her to do at the end?
A: To do the dishes.
B: To go shopping.
C: Lock the door.

Lesson 028 of のイメージ :最も意味の薄い前置詞

Jack: Hi. Your booth looks interesting. I like the colorful sings and interactive displays.

Joanna: Thank you, sir. We are a virtual reality company based in Portland.

Jack: Your nametag says you are the Marketing Director.

Joanna: Yes, that’s right. Here’s our company brochure.

Jack: Oh, it’s a nice brochure. What? Leo Chang is your company president?

Joanna: Yes. Do you know him?

Jack: Leo is an old friend of mine. We were in the same college dormitory… a long time ago.

Joanna: What a coincidence!


Listening Challenge!

Q3: Who is Leo Chang?
A: The man’s relative.
B: The man’s ex-colleague.
C: The man’s college old friend.

Lesson 029 of のイメージ : of のさまざまな使い方

Citizen: Madam mayor, the farmers of this town are going through very tough times now.

Mayor: I see. Please go on.

Citizen: More and more wild boars are coming down from the mountains. We need to build a strong fence to protect our town.

Mayor: Yes, I understand, but our budget is very tight this year.

Citizen: With all due respect, this is an issue of great importance. Those animals are causing an enormous amount of damage.

Mayor: OK. Let’s work together to find the best solution.


Listening Challenge!

Q4: What is the biggest problem facing the citizens?
A: Wild boars.
B: A tight budget.
C: Burglars.




あなたはテニス教室の先生。有望でプロ志望の Ken 君にはいいコーチが必要だと常々考えていましたが、見つけることができました。あなたの古い友人で長い間プロとして活躍していた人です。Ken 君に話があると呼び止めて、コーチを薦めてあげましょう。


play professionally : プロとして活躍する(プレーする)
with his help : 彼の助けがあれば

Ken 君に声を掛けましょう。



if 節を使った条件節「もし~なら」。そしてif 節の結びは it … to ~ の形。そこに「of + 名詞」が使われています。
found a great coach for you と授与を表す形が出てきました。find は授与を強く感じさせるため for you となります。an old friend of mine は作れましたか?an old friend(古い友人のひとり)を mine で説明しています。
With his help は「彼の助けがあれば」。be sure of ~ には、of を使って sure を名詞で展開する意識を持ってください。


in order to … 以下は「~するために」。to だけでもOKですが、「目的」の意味合いを紛れることなく伝えるために in order to としています。もなく は「一体全体」。wh 疑問文を強調するために使われます。of prime importance は「最も重要な」。
a good friend of mine に「of の説明」を感じましょう。ここでは「,(コンマ)who 」と、非制限的な関係詞節修飾が行われています。この形はエクストラな情報を加える形。「ちなみに彼は・・・」といった呼吸で使いましょう。
under his expert guidancet は「彼の専門的指導の下なら」。be confident を of your success で説明しています。
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