ラジオ英会話 Lesson 120 今週のReview


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 120 今週のReview

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 116 許す①:let

Andrew: Welcome to the London Theatre. I hope you enjoy the show!

Sayaka: Thank you. This is my first time here, so let me ask you a quick question.

Andrew: Of course.

Sayaka: Where is the balcony section in this theater?

Andrew: It’s on the first floor.

Sayaka: Oh, aren’t we on the first floor? I can’t find it.

Andrew: This is the ground floor. The first floor is right above us.

Sayaka: I see. American English and British English are different.

Andrew: In some cases, yes.


Listening Challenge!

Q1; What did the woman want to know?
A: Where the London Theater was.
B: here the ground floor was.
C: Where the balcony section was.

Lesson 117 許す②:レベル2動詞 allow、permit

Claudia: It’s good to be back in Hong Kong. The dim sum is amazing, as always.

Mr. Wu: This restaurant is famous for its wide selection.

Claudia: We don’t have so many different kinds in my country. Oh, here’s the check.

Mr. Wu: Allow me to get this.

Claudia: Oh no, Mr. Wu, I have a daily budget for this business trip.

Mr. Wu: Please. It’s my pleasure. Now, let’s go back to the conference hall.

Claudia: Well, thanks a lot. Next time is on me.


Listening Challenge!

Q2: Who pays the bill in the end?
A: The woman.
B: Mr. Wu.
C: Both of them.

Lesson 118 主張する:レベル2動詞 insist、claim、assert

Keith: It’s so good to see you again, Marilyn. How have you been?

Marilyn: Very well. Thanks, Keith. How about you?

Keith: Can’t complain. Actually, I’ve just started my own real estate company.

Marilyn: That sounds great, but very challenging.

Keith: Yes, it’s not easy, but I relish such a challenge.

Marilyn: Was it tough to persuade your wife?

Keith: Well, she was naturally nervous, but I insisted that it was the right thing to do.

Marilyn: So now she supports you.

Keith: Absolutely.


Listening Challenge!

Q3: What is new in Keith’s life?
A: He has created his own company.
B: He has met Marilyn.
C: He has no support from his wife.

Lesson 119 要求する:レベル2動詞 require、demand

Kelly: Hi, Gene. Guess who I bumped into at the bookstore yesterday.

Gene: Your long-lost uncle?

Kelly: Ha ha! No. It was Tsubasa. He was there with a lot of books in his hands.

Gene: Really? What kind of books was he buying?

Kelly: Test preparation guides. His job requires that he take an international English test.

Gene: Oh, good for him. Did you buy anything?

Kelly: Yes, I bought Professor Peacock’s latest book. I’m looking forward to reading it.


Listening Challenge!

Q4: Why will Tsubasa take a test?
A: Because he wants to graduate.
B: Because his uncle asked him to take it.
C: Because he needs it for his job.






frog : カエル
care and attenion : 世話と注意
abandon : 世話をやめる
ecosystem : 生態系
harmful : 有害な


insist on は「~を強く主張する」。
frogs require … は「カエルは~を必要としている」。
allow you to abandon は「you が abandon に進むことを許す」。ここでは「世話をするのをやめる」というニュアンスで使われています。


guinea pig は「モルモット」。
I’m telling you は「よく聞いて欲しい、言っておくが」。dedication は「献身」。
there’s no way は「~することはできない・ありえない」という決まり文句。threaten は「脅かす」。

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