ラジオ英会話 Lesson 205 今週の Review


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 205 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 201 受動態①:受動態は be 動詞文


Helen: So, Gary, what did you think of “Ramenator 15”?

Gary: Hmm, it had good action scenes and humor, but it wasn’t Arnold’s best.

Helen: I agree. It was really fun until the last ten minutes. The movie was spoiled by the ending.

Gary: I know. He died and came back to life again.

Helen: And he said, “I’m back,” of course.

Gary: Right. Can’t the scriptwriters think of anything more original?

Helen: Well, that line is expected by the fans.


Lesson 202 受動態②:受動態の疑問文・否定文


Sejun: And there is one more thing, Kana. The floor must be mopped twice a day, once in the afternoon and once at night.

Kana: I’ll do my best, Sejun.

Sejun: Thank you. It’s important to keep our shop clean for the customers.

Kana: I see. Can I ask another question?

Sejun: Sure.

Kana: When was this shop opened?

Sejun: It was opened in 2005, I believe.

Kana: So, it’s been here a long time.

Sejun: Yes, relatively speaking.


Lesson 203 受動態③:受動態で使われる前置詞


Megan: Houston, this is Omega One. We have an emergency.

Houston: We copy, Omega. What is the problem?

Megan: An alien spacecraft has been spotted in orbit around Mars.

Houston: Copy, Omega. Can you describe its appearance?

Megan: We are sending you the video, but it appears to be covered in gold.

Houston: What is the position of the ship, Omega?

Megan: It was approaching us, but it has stopped.

Houston: Stand by, Omega. We are calling the president.


Lesson 204 受動態④:感情を表す動詞


Bill: The show was a disaster!

Cynthia: The fans weren’t satisfied with the concert. I heard booing!

Bill: Our kabuki makeup and cowboy costumes weren’t accepted!

Cynthia: But that was your idea, right? You wanted to change the band’s image.

Bill: Yes, I thought we should do something new to attract more fans.

Cynthia: I don’t think they were pleased with the changes.

Bill: Yeah, I guess we’ll just go back to our old look.

Cynthia: “If It ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” right?

Bill: Yeah.


SAY IT IN ENGLISH! ~英語で声に出して表現してみましょう~







behind my back  私に隠れて、陰で
see  付き合う
be known for  ~で知られている・~で有名だ
must have + 過去分詞  ~だったに違いない
ask … directly ~に直接尋ねる

にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ

