ラジオ英会話 Lesson 155 今週の Review


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 155 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Lesson 151 発言タイプ:印象 印象を伝える


Ms. Kizawa: Oh, hello. Welcome back. It has been a while.

Caspar: Hi, Ms. Kizawa. You’re looking well.

Ms. Kizawa: Thank you. I’m getting by. What can I do for you today, Caspar?

Caspar: I wanted to get this plastic figure appraised.

Ms. Kizawa: Oh, wow. It seems that you have an original King Zizilla figure from 1958.

Caspar: Is it worth a lot?

Ms. Kizawa: It looks like you can get about 60,000 yen for it.

Caspar: Really? A friend gave it to me for free.

Ms. Kizawa: That’s quite a thing to give away!


Lesson 152 発言タイプ:安全 安全性判断


Akira: Whoa, it’s good to be in space again.

Selene: Yes, there’s nothing like flying through space.

Akira: How long have you been an astronaut, Selene?

Selene: Almost 15 years now. Don’t tell anyone.

Akira: Wow, you’re a veteran.   What was that?

Selene: I don’t know. Let’s play it safe and put on our spacesuits.

Akira: Good idea. We’ll be protected in case there’s an air leak.

Selene: Should we contact Houston Control?

Akira: Yes, let’s contact Megan. It’s best to keep her in the loop.


Lesson 153 発言タイプ:重要① 重要です


Barbara: Deepak! What are you doing here?

Deepak: Barbara! What a coincidence! Are you a member here?

Barbara : Yes, I’ve been coming here for years.

Deepak: I just joined. Today’s my first day.

Barbara: Oh, welcome!

Deepak: I decided I needed to get into shape. So, what do you recommend?

Barbara: Well, this exercise machine is good for beginners. It’s fun.

Deepak: Am I doing it right?

Barbara: Yes! Very good.

Deepak: I’m tired already.

Barbara: The first day is the hardest. The important thing is to continue.


Lesson 154 発言タイプ:重要② 重要ではありません


Takuma: Kelly, you’re walking around the house in your shoes.

Kelly: Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot about our house rules.

Takuma: It’s not a big deal. We are in America, after all.

Kelly: No, I like the tradition of taking off your shoes. I was just thinking about something else.

Takuma: Are you busy with work?

Kelly: A little. I need to think of some questions for tomorrow’s show.

Takuma: Why don’t you take a shower? My best ideas come to me in the shower.

Kelly: Maybe later.


Say It In English! ~英語で声に出して表現してみましょう~







It looks like ~  ~のように見える
play it safe  安全策をとる
get worse  悪くなる
call it a day  1日と呼ぶ→(その日の仕事などを)終わりにする・切り上げる
resume  再開する
needless to say  言うまでもなく
as long as ~  ~するかぎり
get there  そこに 到着する→目標を達成する
besides  さらにその上
continue  続ける

にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ

