Do you come to this park often?
I do sometimes, when I need inspiration.
Yes, being in nature helps me come up with ideas.
I see. It is very peaceful here. I love English gardens.
Yes, there’s nothing quite like an English garden.
Are they better than those in other countries?
Well, I think so. There’s just something about them.
I didn’t know you were such a romantic, Brendan.
Of course I am.
Sally, is this your latest watercolor painting?
Yes, how do you like it?
I think it’s your best so far. They just get better and better.
Thanks. That’s good to hear.
I’ve noticed something. You often paint paintings with horses in them. Like this one.
I have a passion for horses. I love riding.
Really? I didn’t know you rode horses.
I rarely do these days. I used to ride often when I was a little girl.
Well, that explains it.
Doug, our eco-tourism business is really taking off!
Yeah, I didn’t realize so many people wanted to visit our island.
And we’re getting lots of customers from abroad.
I guess my posts in English were effective.
Yes, they made a big difference. Hey, let’s celebrate. I’ll make dinner tonight. What would you like?
Um…Goya champuru.
The Okinawan dish? You like it? Goya isn’t really my cup of tea.
Really? I love it.
OK, I’ll make some especially for you.
Zaytox, are you OK?
Yes, I’m fine, but I am feeling bored.
Oh, so Vegans get bored just like humans.
Yes, we do.
Why don’t we go for a drive? I can ask Carolyn. She loves driving.
The idea of riding in cars makes me sick.
I didn’t know Vegans had cars.
We don’t, but in America I learned that I get carsick easily. The scientists drove me some place, and I felt sick.
金曜日の Say It In English!
My car is a bit small…
Don’t worry. I love small cars. My father would drive me to the station in his small car when I was a kid.
That’s one of my fondest childhood memories.
How did your first date go?
Actually, it was pretty rough. She is a great person, but her table manners shocked me.
She talked with her mouth full the whole time. It was disgusting.