I am so proud of you
Yoko: Sho! I know you’re awake.
Sho: Yes, Grandma. I’m coming down. Morning.
Yoko: Sho, I would like you to run with me, at least once in a while.
Sho: You sound really…gentle, Grandma. What happened?
Yoko: I heard you want to become an international citizen, Sho. I think that is just amazing. I am so proud of you.
Sho: Who told you?
Yoko: Mimiko did. You told Miki, she told Mimiko, and Mimiko told me. Pretty simple.
Sho: Boy, women sure talk a lot.
Yoko: That’s a good thing. It means we are thinking about you.
Sho: So…Miki thinks about me?
洋子: 翔!起きているんでしょう。
翔: 起きているよ。今から降りていくよ。おはよう
洋子: 翔、たまには私と一緒に走ってくれないかしら。
翔: おばあちゃん、そんなに・・・優しい声を出して。何かあったの?
洋子: 聞いたわよ、翔、国際人になりたいんだって?それってすごいじゃないの。私は翔のことをとても誇りに思うよ。
翔: いったいだれがおばあちゃんに言ったの?
洋子: ミミ子よ。翔はミキちゃんに話して、ミキちゃんからミミ子に伝わって、ミミ子が私に話してくれたのよ。とても単純なことよ。
翔: うわあ、女の人って、おしゃべりだな。
洋子: いいことじゃない。みんなが翔のことを気にしている証拠よ。
翔: ということは・・・ミキちゃんは僕のことを気にしているってことか?
Words & Phrases
awake 起きている
at least once in a while たまには
sound… ~に聞こえる態度
gentle 優しい
proud 誇りに思っている
pretty とても
simple 単純な、簡単な
Let’s Check Listen again and answer the following question.
Q: How does Yoko know Sho wants to become an international citizen?
A: Mimiko told her.
Today’s CAN-DO 相手を誘ったり、人の誘いに応じたりできる
I would like you to …で相手を誘ってみよう
I would like you to run with me, at least once in a while.
◆ I would like you to come with me.
◆ I would like you to find my dog with me.
Let’s Apply CAN-DO活用例文を応用して言ってみよう。
◆ I would like you to come with me.
(解答) I would like you to play the piano for her.
Let’s Repeat CAN-DO英文法を含む部分をリピート
Yoko: Sho, I would like you to run with me, at least once in a while.
Sho: You sound really…gentle, Grandma. What happened?
Get it Right 今日学んだことを参考にしながら英文を作りましょう。
I would like you to read a book for me.
にほんブログ村 |
You should really…gentle
→You sound really…gentle