He loves playing the wadaiko
基礎英語3 Lesson 096 のテキストを英訳してみましょう。文章をクリックすると英文例が表示されます。
Bravo, Sho! Incredibl!
Sho is a different person when he’s playing the wadaiko!
He loves playing the wadaiko. It gives him confidence.
I think he should always carry around a wadaiko from now on. It’ll make him stronger.
I agree.
Let’s go backstage and meet him!
It’s me. Sho’s performance has just finished. He was the main performer on the final piece. His spirit and foucus reminded me of you. I’ll send a video of the performance later. Take care,
Words & Phrases
confidence 自信
carry aroud … ~を持ち歩く
backstage 楽屋へ、舞台裏へ
spirit 情熱、気迫く
remind A of B A(人)にBを思い出させる
Take care. (別れの挨拶)じゃあね。
Today’s CAN-DO
Sho’s performance has just finished.
現在完了形(have/has+過去分詞)に just(ちょうど)を加えて、身のまわりに起こっている「今ちょうど~したばかりだ」という状況を表現しています。
He was the main performer on the final piece.
CAN-DO 活用例文
The school bus has just arrived.
I have just started preparing for the school festival.
Get It Right
My husband has just returned from Paris.