今週学習した基礎英語3の「Today’s CAN-DO」の英文や関連問題を再学習します。日本語をクリックすると英文例が出ます。
10月22日 Monday Lesson 093 I came to help, too
My,my! You sewed Sho’s name on the towel by yourself?
I think you did a great job!
You baked this cake? It’s delicious. Well done!
10月23日 Tuesday Lesson 094 Sho is the main performer for this one
I think playing the wadaiko is more interesting than any other activity in school.
Lake Biwa is larger than any other lake in Japan.
You are more talented than any other woman in the world.

10月24日 Wednesday Lesson 095 I’m worried he will slip up
Naoki was nice enough to drive me here.
You are brave enough to face new challenges.
He was kind enough to show me the way here.
10月25日 Thursday Lesson 096 He loves playing the wadaiko
Sho’s performance has just finished.
He was the main performer on the final piece.
I have just started preparing for the school festival.

10月26日 Friday Review 23 ある曜日の Summary を復習しよう
Lesson 092 の Summary
David arrived just in time for Sho’s wadaiko performance.
He said “Naoki was nice enough to drive me here.”
When the players came out, Yoko said “Sho looks amazing!
He’s so focused. Why can’t he be like that all the time?”