ラジオ英会話 Lesson 185 今週のREVIEW


Lesson 181 関係代名詞節による修飾はジグソーパズル


Ross: Hi, nice weather we’re having.

Aoi: Huh? Oh, yeah, it’s not so cold today.

Ross: So, do you come here often?

Aoi: Yeah, I come here almost every day.

Ross: Really? So do I. It’s funny that I never noticed you before such a beautiful young lady as yourself.

Aoi: Well, thanks.

Ross: The guy making the coffee is kind of weird, though. I was telling him that he was too slow, and he said I needed to be more patient. Can you imagine the nerve?

Aoi: The guy you were talking to is my boyfriend.

Ross: Oh, I see. Well, enjoy your day.

Pick-Up Phrases


Lesson 182 組み合わせ感覚を鍛えよう


Gillian: Look at all these new cars. Some of the designs are so futuristic-looking.

Merton: I know, but these are concept cars. The car I want to get is user-friendly. It can park itself.

Gillian: Oh, that’s feature that I need. I’m terrible at parallel parking.

Merton: I haven’t owned a car in over twenty years. I have been using public transportation all that time.

Gillian: Did you forget how to drive?

Merton: Almost. When I rented a car, I didn’t even know how to turn on the engine. Things have changed a lot.

Gillian: They sure have.


Pick-Up Phrases

Lesson 183 関係代名詞 that ① that の感覚


Mom: Takeru, you got a lot of money from your relatives on New Year’s, didn’t you?

Takeru: Compared to last year, it was about the same.

Mom: Really? Show me how much you’ve got. I want to save your money as usual, so you don’t waste it on silly things.

Takeru: OK, here you go, Mom.

Mom: Is this all?

Takeru: This is everything that I have.

Mom: Are you sure? You usually get more than this.

Takeru: Yes, I already spent some on a new video game.

Mom: What? You should have asked me first.

Takeru: Sorry, Mom.


Pick-Up Phrases

Lesson 184 関係代名詞 that ② 省略が出来ないケース


Kazuki: Did you hear someone in the apartment building singing late last night?

Chie: Yes, I think I heard a woman singing “Yesterday Once More” by the Carpenters. She was very good. But it was kind of loud.

Kazuki: The woman that lives next door is an English teacher. Maybe it was her practicing her pronunciation.

Chie: Oh, that’s possible. It’s very easy to understand each word of the Carpenters’ songs. That’s good for students studying English.

Kazuki: I agree, but I couldn’t sleep very well last night. Maybe we can ask her to go to karaoke with us someday.

Chie: That’s a good idea.


Pick-Up Phrases






traditional : 伝統的な
research :


the book my teacher wrote は関係代名詞による修飾。

did a lot of research は「たくさん(いろいろと)調べる」。on は「~に関して」。that 以下の節では主語が空所。「まだ伝統的な文化を保っている」と people が組み合わされ「伝統文化を今でも守っている人たち」。

take a look は丸ごと覚えましょう。


the book my teacher wrote はSIMPLE ANSWER と同じ。

ここでは collecting と分詞構文が使われています。まず「世界中の国を訪れた」。その状況を動詞-ing 形で「~を集めながら」と説明しています。collecting を行っている主体が主文の he と一致していることを確認しましょう。fascinating は「魅力のある」。

if you like は「もしよかったら」。丸ごと覚えましょう。

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