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Welcome to “Radio Chat Today.” I’ll take the next caller.
Hello, Sal. My name is Shelly. I love your show.
Thanks, Shelly. How can I help you?
My boyfriend is driving me crazy.
Oh, in what way?
Well, he’s always looking at cute girls, even when I’m with him.
Oh, that’s not good. I think it’s time you broke up with him.
I guess you’re right. There are plenty more fish in the sea, right?
Right. Good luck!
Our wedding starts in two hours. Most of the guests have already arrived.
You look beautiful.
Thanks. I’m so nervous.
Don’t worry. We’ll be fine.
I hope so. OK, where are the wedding rings?
The rings? I thought you brought them.
What? Didn’t I tell you to put them in my bag?
Yes… I’m sorry, I forgot.
We can’t get married without the rings.
Maybe we can borrow some.

Hi, Maya. How was the book-signing event last night?
I had a good time. I’ve always wanted to meet the author, Brendan Peacock.
Oh, he’s an expert on ancient civilizations, isn’t he?
Yes, he’s an interesting speaker as well.
Was it crowded?
Yes, it was packed and noisy. But everyone stopped chatting when the author arrived.
Can I see the book that he signed?
Sure, here it is.
Wow, the photographs are amazing!
Masa, what happened to you at the karaoke place? You disappeared.
I couldn’t stand the boss’s singing in his off-key voice all night. I managed to sneak out.
I think it’s part of being the company.
I know, but everyone has a limit.
Our boss loves singing karaoke with the staff. He’s planning another party next month.
Oh, really? Can you let me know the date? I’ll take that day off.
Driven by her passion for fashion, she launched her own clothing company.
Where can I reach you?
We finally arrived at our destination, exhausted and famished.
Luckily, the rain stopped, and we were able to have our picnic.
The yoga class begins at 10:30 and finishes at 12.
I hate it when you creep up on me.
He crept up behind his little sister and frightened her to death!