ラジオ英会話 Lesson 145 今週の Review
Listening Challenge!
Lesson 141 計画①:「これから~するよ」を起点とするフロー
Marina: Oh, Takao, good timing. We’re going to that new oyster bar. Please join us.
Takao: Oysters? They’re my favorite. I’d love to join you.
Marina: Great. The oysters are shipped from Hiroshima every day.
Takao: Really? Hiroshima’s my hometown.
Marina: Then you must be quite picky about oysters.
Takao: Oh, I just got an email from my boss. I’ll be right back. So, please wait a few minutes, OK?
Marina: Sure, no problem. Happy hour doesn’t start until six.
Listening Challenge!
B: To his office.
C: To his hometown.
Lesson 142 計画②:「~するつもりです」をを起点とするフロー
Benjamin: Hi, Annabelle. Eleanor and I are going to go to the Desperate Rats’ farewell concert next week. Would you like to join us?
Annabelle: What? Didn’t they have a farewell concert in 2018?
Benjamin: Oh, yeah, they did. But they got back together again.
Annabelle: How many farewell concerts have they had?
Benjamin: I think just two.
Annabelle: Well, I like the lead guitarist, but their music is overrated.
Benjamin: So, do you want to go?
Annabelle: Let me think about it.
Listening Challenge!
B: She won’t go.
C: She is not sure.
Lesson 143 計画③:「~する予定です」を起点とするフロー
Ben: Hi, Cheryl. What’s new?
Cheryl: Hi, Ben. Well, I have big news. I’m moving next week.
Ben: Really? That is big news. So, you finally found a place you like, huh?
Cheryl: Yes. This new apartment is absolutely perfect!
Ben: I’m very happy for you. By the way, will you need some help?
Cheryl: That’s very kind of you, Ben, but I’m leaving everything to a professional moving company.
Ben: Good idea. That will save you a lot of hassle.
Listening Challenge!
B: The man found the woman a new apartment.
C: The man will help the woman to move.
Lesson 144 計画④:計画を表すそのほかの表現
Kazuya: Sorry, I had to take a phone call. My old friends from college are planning to hold rakugo event soon.
Megan: What’s “rakugo “?
Kazuya: It’s a form of comedy performed in front of an audience.
Megan: Oh, is it like standup comedy?
Kazuya: Actually, it’s more like “sit-down” comedy. The comedian sit on cushions as they perform.
Megan: Sounds interesting. Can I come?
Kazuya: Of course! It might be hard to understand the humor, though.
Listening Challenge!
B: The man’s students.
C: A professional comedian the man knows.
SAY IT IN ENGLISH! ~英語で声に出して表現してみましょう~
「僕は来週名古屋に出張に行くんだ。妻は菜食主義者なんだけど、彼女のためにおいしいみそをちょっと買うつもりなんだ。君はそこの出身だよね? いいみそ屋さんを紹介してくれないか?」など。
parasol 日傘
I’ll be right back. すぐに戻るよ。
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