ラジオ英会話 Lesson 090 今週の Review


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 090 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 086 関係代名詞節修飾①:関係代名詞 that


Helen: Gary, that was a wonderful movie. I really enjoyed it.

Gary: Yeah, I was surprised. I don’t usually like musicals.

Helen: The tap dancing was terrific.

Gary: It sure was. Hey, look at this poster. The movie I’ve been waiting to see is coming out in the summer.

Helen: Is that the movie that you were talking about?

Gary: Yes, Arnold Sylvester is going to play the role of the android again.

Helen: How old is he now?

Gary: I’m not sure, but he’s still a great action hero.


Lesson 087 関係代名詞節修飾③:関係代名詞 who


Bernie: Well, our team is in the lead now. That home run by Hashimoto was fantastic.

Mariko: He’s a great player. All the fans love him.

Bernie: Right. Hey, look over there! Do you see that tall guy in the stands?

Mariko: The man next to the woman in red?

Bernie: Yes. He’s the guy who I always see at our local convenience store.

Mariko: Oh, right. He works there. What a coincidence!

Bernie: Yeah. I had no idea he was a baseball fan.


Lesson 088 関係代名詞節修飾④:主語位置の空所に注意


Bob: Sally, there are some excellent paintings here.

Sally: There sure are. Thanks for bringing me to this exhibition.

Bob: My pleasure. It’s important to see the work of other artists.

Sally: Yes, I’m inspired. Oh, this one’s beautiful! I love the colors.

Bob: Do you see that woman in the blue dress? That’s the artist who painted it.

Sally: Can we talk to her? I’d like to know how she painted it.

Bob: Sure, she’s a friend of mine. I’ll introduce you.


Lesson 089 関係代名詞節修飾⑤:関係代名詞 which


Taeko: How was your trip to Okinawa?

Jonas: It was wonderful. We had a lot of fun. Take a look at these pictures.

Taeko: Oh, my. You took a photo of this snake with your phone?

Jonas: Yes. I used the zoom function.

Taeko: The snake which you saw in Okinawa is very dangerous.

Jonas: Really? What’s it called?

Taeko: It’s called a habu.

Jonas: Wow! Have you ever seen a habu?

Taeko: Yes, I have. But I ran away fast.


SAY IT IN ENGLISH! ~英語で声に出して表現してみましょう~







author  著者
go on a diet  ダイエットを始める
autograph  (著名人の)サイン
for a moment 少しの間

にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ


  1. 通りすがり より:

    He is not staring but starring.

  2. challenge man より:

