Lesson 155
You’ve proven yourself
Yukichi: Mom! Dad! Look at my score from the practice exam!
Mari: Wow! This is impressive, Yukichi.
Ken: I have to apologize again, Yukichi. You’ve proven yourself. It’s not because you had that hair wax helping you out.
Mari: We’re so proud of you.
RoboCorpus: Yukichi finally beat me at a chunk battle!
Ken: Sorry? Say that again?
RoboCorpus: It’s a chunk battle. Yukichi and I created it.
Yukichi: In the battle, 50 random chunks are presented in Japanese, and you have to say a sentence using the chunk in English within five seconds.
RoboCorpus: If you can make all the English sentences correctly, you are a winner.
Mai: Sounds fun. I want to try!
RoboCorpus: OK, Mai. Let’s go and practice!
Ken, Mari &Yukichi: Mai!
What did Yukichi beat RoboCorpus at? A chunk battle.
Who wants to practice with RoboCorpus? Mai does.
Sorry? Say that again?
you have to say a sentence using the chunk in English
Excuse me. Can you say it again?
At the gate, there was a bird repeating what people said.
OFF の使い方に注意
“go off” はどういう意味?
“go off” の意味をオックスフォード新英英辞典で調べると、こんな意味が書いてあります。
(of an alarm) begin to sound
(of a gun, bomb, or similar device) explode or fire
“go off” は目覚ましのアラーム以外にも、火災報知器(fire alarm)や自動車の盗難防止アラーム、銃や爆弾などにも使われます。
「アラームが鳴る(鳴り出す)」を英語にしなさいと言われると、電話が「鳴る」の “ring” が思い浮かぶかもしれませんが、実は “go off” で表されることがとても多い。
これを機会に、アラームは “go off” で「鳴り出す」と覚えてしまいましょう!