今週学習したラジオ英会話の「GRAMMAR IN ACTION 文法の実践」で出された英文を作る問題を再学習します。日本語をクリックすると英文例が出ます。
3月4日 Monday Lesson 221 文系① 他動型
Can you explain the secret of your success?
My brother married his childhood sweetheart.
I need to discuss a series matter with you.
3月5日 Tuesday Lesson 222 文系② 自動型
I love listening to my granddad’s stories.
I’m expecting a delivery, so can you listen for the doorbell while I’m out?
She must have been listening in on our conversation.

3月6日 Wednesday 223 文系③ 説明型
Your mom looks much younger than her age, doesn’t she?
The point is whether to take the risk or not.
Our aim is to increase our sales by 20% this year.
3月7日 Thursday Lesson 224 文系④ 授与型
That challenging experience taught me a lot about myself.
Tina and Keith showed me their honeymoon photos last night.
It took me three hours to drive home due to the terrible road conditions.

For Deeper Understanding ~より深い理解へ~
I saw you with a pretty girl in a cafe near Central Park.
英語は説明が後ろに展開する言葉。you の説明が with a pretty girl、I saw you with a pretty girl を in a cafe で説明。a cafe をさらに near Central Park が説明。この英語のリズムを作ることが出来るかが、英会話学習のカギです。