

Inbox Despair 受信トレイの憂鬱

Inbox Despair A: Let’s take five, Belle. B: I can’t. I’ve got tons of emails to answer. Every time I answer an email, ...

Mouse Elbow マウス肘

Mouse Elbow E: How are you doing, Mr. Payne? P: Not good. I have mouse elbow from clicking around so much. E: There...

Waiting for the Birds 鳥を待ちながら

Waiting for the Birds L: Don, I’m no good at this sort of photography. D: That’s not true, Linda. L: There’s not a ...

Making a To-Do List やることリストを作る

今日から新年度。私も今日から「ラジオ英会話」の勉強をします。 結構難しくて、ついて行けるのかちょっと心配ですが・・・ だけど「継続は力なり」Little and often fills the purse. どうして継続は・・・...

The last Review  一旦、基礎英語3の終了です。

Review 044 Mari welcomed Yukichi home from graduation. Yukichi was sad because Doug didn’t show up at the graduation...

That’s DOUG!! あれはダグだ!!

That’s DOUG!! Yukichi: This is our last chance to get together like this. Hide: We will all go to different schools in...

Where are you now? 今どこにいるんだ?

Where are you now? Yukichi: I wonder where Doug has gone.... Asuka: Why did he leave without saying a word? ...

The entire house is gone! 家がまるごとなくなってる!

The entire house is gone! Asuka: I knew you wanted to do this, Yukichi. Yukichi: Doug was absent yesterday. Dad told m...

the only thingの活用パターン

Because of Doug? Yukichi: I’m home! Mari: Hi, Yukichi. Welcome home! That was a really great ceremony! And congratulat...

Happy Graduation Day!

今日のお勉強 Mr. Takagi asked everyone to share some memories about school life. Hide enjoyed studying with everyone. H...