Lesson 149 受動態⑥ 句動詞の受動態
Today’s dialog
Kana: Hi, Dad, what are you watching?
Dad: This is a DVD of one of the most famous rock concerts in history.
Kana: The film image looks really old. When was the concert?
Dad: In 1969. It was called Woodstock, and it was held for three days in the state of New York. When it ended, people said,”This concert will be talked about for years.” And they were right.
Kana: That’s like half a century ago, Dad.
Dad: Yes, but the music is still considered cool. Many legends of rock and roll performed at Woodstock. You’ve heard of Jimi Hendrix, haven’t you?
Kana: Jimmy who?
Hi, Dad, what are you watching?
This is a DVD of one of the most famous rock concerts in history.
The film image looks really old. When was the concert?
In 1969. It was called Woodstock, and it was held for three days in the state of New York. When it ended, people said,”This concert will be talked about for years.” And they were right.
That’s like half a century ago, Dad.
Yes, but the music is still considered cool. Many legends of rock and roll performed at Woodstock. You’ve heard of Jimi Hendrix, haven’t you?
Jimmy who?
cool かっこいい、クールな
legend 伝説的な人物
Jimi Hendrix ジミ・ヘンドリックス(1942-1970、アメリカのロックギタリスト)
For Deeper Understanding ~より深い理解へ~
This is a DVD of one of the most famous rock concerts in history.
of を日本語の「~の」と考えてはいけません。「~の」と考えた瞬間日本語の語順で、文を右から左へさかのぼり始めるからです。この文なら「最も有名なロックコンサートのうち、ひとつの、DVD」と考えてしまいます。of は「前の表現を名詞で説明する」と考えましょう。英語語順は「これはDVDです」と言い切り、「ひとつのね」。何の「ひとつ」なのかを the most famous concerts で説明。しっかり英語の意識で文をたどりましょう。
This concert will be talked about for years.”
動詞を中心に複数の語が集まり1つの動詞として機能するフレーズは「句動詞(phrasal verb)」と呼ばれます。このキーセンテンスの talk about(~について話す)や、皆さんよくご存じの look for(探す)、find out(見つける)、put off(延期する)などがそれ。句動詞は受動態で使われる際、あたかも1つの動詞であるかのようにまとめて取り扱います。この文では talked about とまとまって、主語を説明しています。
The start of the project was put off until next month.
put off は「延期する」。まとめて扱い put off(過去分詞)で the project を説明。
I was very well looked after by my Australian host family.
looked after は「世話をしてもらった」。
We are ripped off by a taxi driver at the airport.
rip off は「ぼる(法外な値段を請求する)」。くだけた表現ですがよく使われます。
句動詞は会話ではよく使われます。postpone(延期する)といったビッグワードよりも基本動詞を使った put off の方が好まれるからです。句動詞を使って受動態を作るテクニック、マスターしましょう。
Our school was broken into over the weekend.
break into …は「~に侵入する」。
Our program is listened to y thousands of people.
listen to … は「~を聞く」。thousands of people 「何千人」hundreds of people 「何百人」
Have you ever been let down by a friend?
let down は「がっかりさせる・期待を裏切る」。ever は at any time (いつのことでもいいのだけれど)。
My grandma was taken care of by the hospital staff.