Part 1
Kaguya data suggest large cavity inside moon
JAXA, the Japanese space agency, say analysis of data compiled by the lunar orbiter Kaguya suggests the existence of a giant, tunnel-like cavity under the surface of the moon.
JAXA researchers say the cavity is estimated to extend for about 50 kilometers.
They say that the cavity, being underground, may provide an environment less susceptible to the day-night temperature gap of some 300 degrees Celsius and showers of radiation from space observed on the moon’s surface.
Earlier this month, the United States announced a plan to send astronauts to the moon again and build a base there for a manned mission to Mars.
Japan is also considering sending astronauts to the moon from 2025.(2017/10/18)
JAXAの研究グループによると、その空洞は約50キロメートルに及ぶとみられています。 同グループは、その空洞が地下にあることから、月表面で観測される300度あまりの昼夜の温度差や宇宙から降り注ぐ放射線からの影響のより少ない環境を提供する可能性があるとしています。
Words & Expressions
analysis 分析
lunar orbitar 周回衛星、月探査衛星
cavity 空洞
suggest 示唆する
compile 集める
existence 存在
lunar orbiter 月周回衛星
estimate 見積もる
provide 提供する
susceptible to … ~の影響の受けやすい
Celsius 摂氏
radiation 放射線
earlier this month 今月初め
astronaut 宇宙飛行士
manned mission 有人宇宙飛行任務
Q1: What is Kaguya?
Q2: What does Kaguya’s data suggest?
Q3: What is Japan considering sending to the moon from 2025?
A1: It is a Japanese Lunar orbiter.
A2: The existence of a giant, tunnel-like cavity under the surface of the moon.
A3: Astronauts
1). The cavity is imated to extend for about 15 kilometers long.
2). The day-night temperature gap of some 300 degrees Celsius.
1). F
2). T
Part 2
Einstein’s handwritten notes sold for $1.8 mil.
Two notes written by physicist Albert Einstein have fetched 1.8 million dollars at an auction in Jerusalem.
The physicist, known for his theories of relativity, gave the notes to a bellboy in lieu of a tip while staying at the Imperial Hotel in 1922. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in the previous year.
The notes are written in German. One say, “A calm and humble life will bring more happiness than the pursuit of success and the constant restlessness that comes with it.”
The other reads, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”
The auction house says the notes were put up for sale by a relative of the bellboy.
When Einstein handed them to the Japanese bellboy, he reportedly said their value might become much higher than that of a normal tip.
Words & Expressions
notes メモ、走り書き
physicist 物理学者
fetch 落札する
theories or relativity 相対性理論
in lieu of … ~の代わりに
calm 穏やか、静か
humble つつましい、謙虚な
pursuit 追及
restlessness 不安、焦燥感
Where there’s a will, there’s a way. 意志のあるところに道あり
be put up for sale 売りに出される
relative 親戚
reportedly 伝えられるとこによれば
Q1: What did Einstein give to a bellboy instead of a tip?
Q2: When did this happen?
Q3: How much was the notes sold for at an auction in Jerusalem?
A1: Two notes.
A2: In 1922. It is a little before a huge Kantō earthquake.
A3: Are you ready? Yes, I am ready.
1. One of the notes says, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”
2. The notes are put up for sale by the the Imperial Hotel?
1). T
2). F
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