今週学習したラジオ英会話の「GRAMMAR IN ACTION 文法の実践」で出された英文を作る問題を再学習します。日本語をクリックすると英文例が出ます。
7月2日月曜 Lesson 061 未来を表す助動詞will① 意志
I’ll look after your cat while you’re away on vacation.
It’s OK to touch my dog. She won’t bite.
I know it’s tough, but I WILL become an astronaut.
7月3日火曜 Lesson 062 未来を表す助動詞will② 予測
The final English test will be really difficult.
Don’t worry. Everyone will give you a warm welcome.
Every summer, we would go to the same beach resort.
7月4日水曜 Lesson 063 be going toの表す未来
We’re going to start our own business.
Look at the time! We’re going to miss the last train!
Brake! Brake! You’re going to crash into the wall!
7月5日木曜 Lesson 064 進行形・現在形の表す未来
I’m meeting Helen after work. It’s her birthday today.
We’re having a barbecue on Saturday.
The clinic opens at 9:00, but you should get there around 8:30.