Lesson 081 限定詞は何をしているのか:the
Liz: Hi, Kei. How was your trip to the UK?
Kei: It was fantastic! I want to go back next year.
Liz: Did you go to the Sherlock Holmes Museum?
Kei: Yes, of course. Something funny happened there.
Liz: Really? Did you bump into Prince Harry?
Kei: Ha ha. Not quite. I met a doctor on my flight to London. The doctor told me he often travels to Japan. He was so kind.
Liz: So, what’s so funny about that?
Kei: Well, when I went to the museum, the same doctor was there, but this time he was wearing a costume, acting as … Doctor Watson
Pick-Up Phrases
The doctor told me he often travels to Japan.
Lesson 082 限定詞は何をしているのか:a(an)
Scott: I want to buy a job magazine. I need to find a part-time.
Wendy: Why?
Scott: Well, I want to buy an electric guitar.
Wendy: I didn’t know you played the guitar.
Scott: I don’t, but I want to play just like Eric Clapton someday.
Wendy: It might take a long time because you’ll be busy studying and working, and you won’t have enough time to practice.
Scott: That might be true, but it’s my dream. I won’t give up.
Pick-Up Phrases
I need to find a part-time job.
Lesson 083 限定詞は何をしているのか:some
Jacob: Mom, can you call Dad? I want him to buy something at the store.
Mom: OK. What do you want?
Jacob: I need some batteries for my game machine.
– Ring! Ring! –
Mom: Oh, your father’s phone is ringing somewhere. He forgot his phone again.
Jacob: He always forgets it. Some people never learn. What’s the point of having a cellphone if you don’t carry it with you?
Mom: Well, Jacob, some people tend to forget things as they grow older.
Jacob: I hope I don’t become as forgetful as Dad.
Pick-Up Phrases
Some people never learn.
Lesson 084 限定詞は何をしているのか:any
Ms. Yamada: So, here’s your homework for this week. I want you to read lesson 5 in the textbook, then I want you to write a report about it. Do you have any questions?
Conner: Ms. Yamada.
Ms. Yamada: Yes, Conner.
Conner: How many pages should it be?
Ms. Yamada: It should be about two pages. Any other questions?
Conner: Can we use the Internet for ideas?
Ms. Yamada: Well, all you need to do is read the lesson in the textbook. You don’t really need any other ideas.
Pick-Up Phrases
Do you have any questions?
on …’s way home : 家に帰る途中
a couple : カップル・二人連れ
1 On my way home, an American couple asked me where the nearest station was.
2 After I told them, the women said my English was great.
1 On my way home, an American couple asked me where the nearest station was.
an American couple をまず文に登場させます。聞き手には未知の人ですので a で導入することが大事。
文全体は asked me(私に尋ねた) を、wh 節で説明しています。「最寄りの駅がどこなのかを、ね」。where 以下が疑問文の形でないことに注意。wh 疑問文と明確に区別しましょう。
Where is the nearest station? wh 疑問文
where the nearest station is. wh 節
2 After I told them, the women said my English was great.
after が文をとることが出来ることを確認しましょう。後続の文で the women となっているのは、前の文で an American couple が導入されているため特定することが出来るからです。
ここでは時制の一致にも注意。主節同士が said と過去形ですから、従属節内も was と過去になります。
1 I was walking home when an American couple approached me and asked me the way to the nearest station.
2 After I gave them directions, the women complimented me on my English.
1 I was walking home when … の物語テクニックを身につけましょう。生き生きとした進行形を使い「~してたんだよ、するとね」と、相手の興味を引く言い回しです。ask me the way と授与型を使ったこの形にも慣れておきましょう。
2 gave them directions もやはり授与型。directions は「道順の説明」。compliment は「褒める」。compliment +人+on … で「~について人を褒める」です。
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