Lesson 177 wh 疑問文⑧ wh 語を使って聞き返す
wh 語には、相手の発言で分からなかった箇所をピンポイントで聞き返す便利な使い方があります。
Today’s dialog
Vince: Ivy, you’re going to Carl’s Christmas party in Ebisu, aren’t you?
Ivy: Yes, I read the email invitation. It says there is going to be a present exchange. We’re supposed to bring a gift that costs no more than 1,000 yen.
Vince: Did you buy your gift already?
Ivy: Yes. I bought a loofah.
Vince: You bought a what?
Ivy: A loofah. It’s a kind of sponge made from a tropical plant. It’s good for washing your body with soap when you take a shower.
Vince: That’s the first time I’ve heard of it.
Ivy: Well, I think more women know about it than men.
Ivy, you’re going to Carl’s Christmas party in Ebisu, aren’t you?
Yes, I read the email invitation. It says there is going to be a present exchange. We’re supposed to bring a gift that costs no more than 1,000 yen.
Did you buy your gift already?
Yes. I bought a loofah.
You bought a what?
A loofah. It’s a kind of sponge made from a tropical plant. It’s good for washing your body with soap when you take a shower.
That’s the first time I’ve heard of it.
Well, I think more women know about it than men.
invitation 招待(状)
say ~と書いてある
exchange 交換
loofah ヘチマ
tropical 熱帯の
For Deeper Understanding ~より深い理解へ~
We’re supposed to bring a gift that costs no more than 1,000 yen.
be supposed to … は「~することになっている」。no more than …は「~を超えない」。
That’s the first time I’ve heard of it.
the first time を I’ve heard of it が説明し「聞いた初回」。「初耳」ということです。I’ve heard of it には過去から今に至る時間の流れが想定されているため現在完了形が使われています。
I bought a loofah. – You bought a what?
wh 語を使って聞き返すテクニックです。聞き取れなかった単語の箇所に wh 語を置いて聞き返すのがポイント。
I went for a drink with Kenshiro. – You went for a drink with who?
ケンシロウと飲みに行ったよ。- 誰と飲みに行ったの?
I’ve been a vegetarian for 20 years.- You’ve been a vegetarian for how long?
20年間ベジタリアンだよ。 – どのくらいの間ベジタリアンなんだって?
I hear that Rakesh is marrying Priyanka. – Er、who is marrying who?
ラケシュがプリヤンカと結婚するって聞いてるよ。- え?って?誰が誰と結婚する?
単体の wh 語だけではなく how long(どのくらいの間:期間)など2語にわたることもできますし、2か所以上を聞き返すこともできます。
wh 語を用いて聞き返しましょう。
My older sister is going on a trekking tour in Ladakh this September. – A trekking tour where?
go on は「(旅行などに)出かける」。予定を表す進行形とともに使われています。
My dad suffers from aviophobia. Your dad suffers from what?
suffer from は「(病気などを)患う」。-phobia がつく単語は「~恐怖症」。aviophobia は「飛行恐怖症」。
Did you hear about the guy who held his breath under water for 22 minutes? – Huh? For how long?
did you hear about … は「~について聞きましたか?」。まとめて覚えましょう。答えの文では「22分間」を how long で言い換えています。
I went to Estonia. – You went where?