ラジオ英会話 Lesson 155 今週のREVIEW

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Lesson Lesson 151 受動態⑦ 伝達系・思考系の受動態


Jessica: Professor Peacock! How was your trip to Egypt?

Peacock: It was absolutely fantastic. I also traveled to the city of Jericho.

Jessica: Oh, Jericho! It’s mentioned in the Bible. I didn’t know that it still existed.

Peacock: Yes, Jericho is said to be the oldest city in the world. The history of the place goes back at least 11,000 years.

Jessica: Wow, I had no idea! Did you take lots of pictures?

Peacock: Yes, I think I have enough photos and material for my next book.

Jessica: I’m really looking forward to reading it, Professor. You’re such a great writer.

Peacock: Well, thank you very much, Jessica. I’ll try not to disappoint you.

Pick-Up Phrases


Lesson 152 受動態⑧ 受動態の使いどころ

Momo: Mr. Smith, I’m worried about my English pronunciation. It’s nowhere near good enough!

Mr. Smith: Huh? Your pronunciation is excellent, Momo.

Momo: But I want it to be perfect, just like a native speaker.

Mr. Smith: But you know, English is spoken in many different countries, and the native speakers of each country have their own distinctive accent.

Momo: So you’re saying that there is no single model of perfect English pronunciation?

Mr. Smith: That’s right. And even within a country, like England or the United States, people speak with very different accents. So you should relax!

Momo: OK, I’ll stop worrying about perfect pronunciation and focus on enjoying speaking English.


Pick-Up Phrases

Lesson 153 文の中の小さな文:節① that 節(主語位置)

Inspector: I have some good news for you, Ms. Marlow. We are in the process of questioning a young man, who is the main suspect in your gallery theft.

Ms. Marlow: Who is he?

Inspector: I can’t tell you the name, but he seems to be an art student .

Ms. Marlow: So, have you found the missing Picasso painting?

Inspector: No, we haven’t located it yet. Actually, the suspect hasn’t given us much information yet, but that he is hiding something is plain to see.

Ms. Marlow: Well, I hope you find out where the Picasso is. It’s our gallery’s most valuable painting.


Pick-Up Phrases

Lesson 154 文の中の小さな文:節② that 節(リポート文・説明語句の位置)

Dad: Jenna, how long have you been dating Brian?

Jenna: Oh, about two years. Why?

Dad: Is he serious about you?

Jenna: He told me that he doesn’t want to lose me.

Dad: Well, that’s good to hear. He has a good job, doesn’t he?

Jenna: Yes, he just got a promotion.

Dad: Hmm. Maybe it’s about time that you two made a decision.

Jenna: You mean, like, about getting married?

Dad: Yes. Your mother and I will be happy if you talk it over with Brian. It might be the right time.


Pick-Up Phrases






promising : 有望な
have in mind :


have ~ in mind は「~が頭の中にある」。promising は「有望な」。

She told me の内容が that 以下の節。would love to は would like to より一段と強い「~したい」。後半は、that 節を be 動詞の後ろに使っています。the trouble is that …で「困っているのは~ということ」。



amazing は great よりも程度の高い「素晴らしい」。that 以降は「(もしそうしたオファーがあれば)興味がありますよ」とこれからのことを述べているため will(時制の一致を受け would)となっています。ここでは in に目的語に動詞 -ing形が使われていますね。「働くことにとても興味がある」ということ。

that節が主語に使われていることに注意。予測の will が使われています-「(これから)~となることは」。would はそれを過去形にして控えめな表現としています。will だと強い断言となってしまうから。addition は「追加・追加されたモノ・人」。チームなどの新人について使われることがしばしばあります。新人とは追加された人ということですから。without question は「疑問の余地なく」。

the problem is that(問題は~ということだ)はポピュラーな形です。 afford は「~する余裕がある(=十分お金がある」ということ。

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